Foire aux questions / Frequently Asked Questions
- Install Windows 10 on MacOS to external SSD USB
To achieve this installation, I used a PNY 480 Gb External SSD drive. The installation requires the following software : VMware Fusion, an ISO of Windows 10 (available at Microsoft Website, for example Win10_1903_V2_English_x64.iso), and Minitool ShadowMaker (trial version of VMware Fusion and Minitool ShadowMaker is sufficient). Installation process:- Install VMware Fusion on your Mac OS
- Create a new Virtual machine with, at least 4 Gb of RAM, 60 Gb of disk and an UEFI BIOS
- Connect ISO of Windows 10 to this virtual machine
- Boot the VM and start the installation of Windows 10 (select No serial number during this installation, a valid Windows 10 serial number will be required later).
- When installation is complete, install Minitool ShadowMaker on Windows 10.
- Connect the USB SSD drive to your VM Windows 10 (select Connect to Windows when VMware asked you).
- Start ShadowMaker and select Connect button (on the left, local panel) then Tools and Clone Disk. The software ask you to select source, in our case the C: volume and the target, it will be the USB drive. Then the clone operation can be started. It takes time, please be patient !
- Now the SSD USB drive is ready, but before reboot and start Windows, it is required to download Bootcamp driver to support your hardware. To do it, start Bootcamp Assistant and then go to the Action menu and select download the support software. Save it to an USB key to allow you to run it on Windows later.
- Restart your Mac and push the ALT key. You should see the boot menu with 2 options : Mac hard disk and EFI boot. Select this last option and Windows 10 will start.
- Now, the post configuration can be done : install Bootcamp support software, enter a valid serial number to activate your Windows 10 installation. It could be interresting to use BitLocker to cipher your hard drive (remember that if you choose a password to unlock your device, at boot, a default QWERTY keyboard is loaded).
Now the installation is done and Windows can be used when needed. - Installer Windows 10 sur MacOS avec un disque SSD USB
Pour cette installation, j'ai utilisé un disque SSD USB externe PNY de 480 Go. L'installation nécessite les logiciels suivants: VMware Fusion, une image ISO de Windows 10 (disponible sur le site de Microsoft, par exemple Win10_1903_V2_English_x64.iso, et Minitool ShadowMaker (la version d'évaluation de VMware Fusion et Minitool ShadowMaker est suffisante. Procédure d'installation:- Installer VMware Fusion sur Mac OS
- Créer une machine virtuelle, avec au moins, 4 Go de mémoire, 60 Go d'espace disque et un BIOS UEFI
- Connecter l'image ISO de Windows 10 au lecteur DVD de la machine virtuelle
- Démarrer la machine virtuelle et commencer l'installation de Windows 10 (n'entrez aucun numéro de série pour le moment, un numéro de série valide sera nécessaire une fois l'installation définitive terminée).
- Lorsque l'installation de Windows est terminée, il faut installer Minitool ShadowMaker à l'intérieur.
- Connecter le disque USB SSD à votre Windows 10 (choisir Connecter à Windows lorsque VMware le demande).
- Démarrer ShadowMaker et cliquer sur le bouton Connect (à gauche, panneau Local), ensuite Tools et enfin Clone Disk. Le logiciel demande, alors, de sélection la source, dans notre cas, le volume C: et la cible, dans notre cas, le lecteur USB. L'opération de clonage commence. Cela peut prendre du temps, il faut être patient.
- Désormais, le disque SSD USB est prêt, mais avant de démarrer Windows, il faut télécharger les pilotes pour supporter le matériel. Pour ce faire, il faut démarrer l'Assistant Bootcamp et, dans le menu Action, choisir l'option Télécharger le logiciel de prise en charge de Windows. Il faut enregistrer ces fichiers sur une clé USB pour démarrer l'installation plus tard sur Windows.
- Redémarrer le Mac en enfonçant la touche ALT. Le menu de démarrage devrait apparaître et montrer 2 choix : le disque Mac et EFI boot. Il faut sélectionner cette dernière option et Windows 10 démarre.
- Il reste, désormais, la post-configuration à terminer : installer les pilotes et logiciels Bootcamp, entrer un numéro de série valide pour Windows 10. Il peut également être intéressant de chiffrer le disque SSD externe à l'aide de BitLocker (n'oubliez pas que si vous choisissez un mot de passe pour protéger ce dernier, au démarrage, le clavier est en QWERTY).
Désormais, l'installation est terminée et Windows peut être utilisé. - New TERENA / GEANT TLS Certificate
Here you can find all the intermediate CAs used by TERENA/GEANT for academic & research purposes to secure websites, software, and emails. DigiCert was selected as the CA provider in 2015. Since 2020, Sectigo (formerly Comodo) has been the chosen authority for a 10-year term as a TLS provider. All certificates were issued from these specific intermediate CAs. In some cases, it may be necessary to install them on your web server or computer. Update: In January 2025, at Sectigo's request, a new certificate provider (CA) was selected because Sectigo decided to terminate the contract. The new certificate provider is HARICA (Hellenic Academic & Research Institutions Certification Authority)
Usage HARICA (from 2025) Sectigo (2020-2024) Digicert (2015-2020) Web EV certificates Not included in this contract GEANT EV ECC CA 4 (pem) ( ID)
GEANT EV RSA CA 4 (pem) ( ID)TERENA SSL High Assurance CA 3 (pem) ( ID) Web OV certificates to be determined GEANT OV ECC CA 4 (pem) ( ID)
GEANT OV RSA CA 4 (pem) ( ID)TERENA SSL CA 3 (pem) ( ID)
TERENA SSL CA 3 G3 (pem) ( ID)Code OV certificates to be determined GEANT Code Signing CA 4 (pem) ( ID) TERENA Code Signing CA 3 (pem) ( ID)
TERENA Code Signing CA 3 G3 (pem) ( ID)Mail personal certificates to be determined GEANT Personal CA 4 (pem) ( ID) TERENA Personal CA 3 (pem) ( ID)
TERENA Personal CA 3 G3 (pem) ( ID)GRID eScience certificates to be determined GEANT eScience SSL ECC CA 4 (pem) ( ID)
GEANT eScience SSL CA 4 (pem) ( ID)
GEANT eScience Personal ECC CA 4 (pem) ( ID)
GEANT eScience Personal CA 4 (pem) ( ID)TERENA eScience SSL CA 3 (pem) ( ID)
TERENA eScience Personal CA 3 (pem) ( ID) - How to generate ECC/RSA CSR (certificate request)
The generation of a ECC/RSA CSR (certificate request) is easy with OpenSSL, available on Linux, MacOS X and Windows.1. Generating private key
To generate private key, you have to choose the type you would like to use : RSA or ECC. RSA keys are common but to be secured, a key length of 2048 is mandatory (4096 is recommended). About ECC keys, a key length of 256 bits is sufficient.
An RSA key can be generated with the following command:
openssl genrsa -nodes -out server.key 4096
This command creates an RSA (genrsa) key of 4096 bits, stored into server.key and is not encrypted (nodes)To generate an ECC key, the following command can be used:
openssl ecparam -out server.key -name prime256v1 -genkey
This command creates an ECC key and its parameters (ecparam with genkey) of 256 bits (prime256v1) into the file server.key. Please note that an ECC key length of 384 bits is also possible (if you replace the option prime256v1 by secp384r1).2. Generate a certificate request
When the private key is generated, the Certificate Request (CSR) is required. It should be sent to the certification authority to obtain the signed certificate. To produce the CSR, the following command can be used:
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr -sha256
During the CSR generation, you should provide some information about your identity (corporate name and location, country, ...). According to the certificate type, the accurancy of this information is validated by the authority. This information is mandatory for EV (extended validated) and OV (organization validated) certificates. For DV (domain validated) certificate, the provided information is not checked except the common name (i.e. CN field). The common name should always match the name of your site ( for instance). If you order a certificate for all names (i.e. a wildcard certificate), the common name should start by a star (i.e. *, valid for all names that ends directly by